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My Eyes

A Journey Into My Schizophrenia

Hello there, you've made your way into my little world. 
My name is Bee and at 17, I was diagnosed with schizophrenia.
Throughout this terrifying journey, I've found some ways to cope and one of those is painting. 
This blog is a peak through my eyes and what I see and think everyday.
Each week, I will post a painting and explain what it means and how creating it helped me.
I'd love to build a safe community here. 
I'm here for each and every one of you.
Last, I'd like to give a TRIGGER WARNING. Some paintings or topics may be triggering to some.

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Reach Out If You Are Struggling.

Some numbers to call.

NAMI HELPLINE - 800-950-6264

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The Red Ones

Red Hallucinations

I went through a very rough time where all of my hallucinations were red and angry. I spent an obsessive amount of time painting them. I became so engrossed in them that I gave them the power over me that they wanted. Below are some paintings I created while going through that hard couple months. I no longer see the "red ones" anymore.

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Getting Help

My Struggles through Recovery.

Fighting For Her

I have always had the goal to gain my power back from many things. Getting help was the best and bravest thing I ever did. There have been many bumps in the road to recovery. This next section of art is the art I have made during recovery. Some good and some bad, but I will always fight for my power back and I hope you do too.

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Let's Be Friends :)

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Thank you.

Thank you so very much to my family and friends who have always supported me no matter what part of my journey that I stumble through. They have always believed in me, and stumbled with me. I love you all so very much and will forever owe my soul to you. 

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You should totally message me :)

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